CodeBlue_04 8 points ago +8 / -0

There isn't a single fat guy in the group. I've seen lots of right wing groups. There's ALWAYS a fat guy or eight hanging around.

CodeBlue_04 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're saying that Santa's a stepper? Is he worried about anti-aircraft fire? He hasn't lost a SINGLE reindeer.

This is horseshit. Fuck Santa.

CodeBlue_04 -12 points ago +3 / -15

I live in Seattle. Nobody even campaigns here because it's so deep blue. I'm voting for Jo (and Gary before her, and Gary before Gary), because I want Libertarians to have enough votes to get on the debate stage in 4 years. I'm not exactly in a swing state, so I don't have shit to lose.

I only get to submit one Presidential vote every four years, and it's never going to be used to support people and policies I find morally repugnant.

CodeBlue_04 8 points ago +8 / -0

I dunno, man. Learning how to encrypt communications and take basic, toddler-level OPSEC precautions might take a whole afternoon. Plus I hate onions, so why would I want to learn about onion routing? And VPNs would reduce my ammo budget. /s

Seriously, you good-for-nothing autists, take a couple of days and educate yourselves. I'll even make it easy by giving you a list of shit to look up. Remember one thing: there is no such thing as secure. It doesn't exist. The goal is MORE secure than wide-fucking-open.

TOR - The Onion Routing - torproject.org - Not perfect thanks to several poisoned entry/exit nodes, but someone has to SERIOUSLY want to fuck with you to find you. Enjoy the latency!

VPN - Virtual Private Network - Don't trust free services. Find one hosted offshore in a nation with no record retention laws. OFFSHORE. I cannot stress that enough. Every one of these is going to do some logging for troubleshooting, but the big names are far better than posting from your actual public IP address. Doubly (quadroupally?) so if you're pairing it with TOR.

PKI - Public Key Infrastructure (edited, sorry, drinking) - All the nonrepudiation and security you could want, provided you're not so fucking stupid that you expose your private key. It would literally take a traditional supercomputer until after the heat death of the universe to crack a 8192 bit RSA key. Quantum shit makes it more vulnerable, but you're not important enough to need to think about that. Bonus points if you look up PGP.

Canary tokens - Wanna know if someone's snooping around in your system? Put a .docx file labeled "financial info" or "passwords" on your desktop and get an email every time someone opens it!

Passwords - qwertycards.com will, for $5, send you an essentially impossible to replicate cipher for your passwords. Couple that cipher with a password longer than 12 characters and you're golden! If used as directed it'll basically give you unique passwords for every account you have.

Quick note here about passwords: Check if you've been compromised at haveibeenpwned.com. It's not a complete record of every breach, but it's a helluva start. If you use the same password everywhere, and I did for a long time, stop! Take the extra 10 seconds to look up the password you've got for every account in a...

Password manager - I use Keepass2. Store your passwords there instead of your browser. It's a hassle, but if you're serious about privacy it's the only way to go.

Encrypted and disguised volumes - You're gonna fuck this up, let's be real. Look up VeraCrypt and, if you're borderline sober, give it a shot. It'll hide most anything in an encrypted part of your hard drive which looks like whatever you want it to look like. Foot porn? Waifu documentary? An image of Gun Jesus? Knock yourself out. All can be used as a front to hide several gigabytes of CAD files. Someone might ask questions if you've got a 40GB .png file, though, so be smart and hide larger stuff in .mp4 or .mov formats.

There's loads more, but I'm lazy and you're gonna get sidetracked before you get to the end of that list anyway. If you don't, then you'll run into more stuff while looking this up, and that'll keep you occupied indefinitely.

CodeBlue_04 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are at least three socks in this photo.

CodeBlue_04 6 points ago +6 / -0

When bestgunnit was made private I gave up on reddit. Today I found you miserable fucks here, still showing toes. Y'all are my people, whether either of us like it or not.

CodeBlue_04 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you've seen his 70's outfit, you'd recognize him as one of us. That guy had consumed nothing but cocaine, ribeye steak, and whiskey in a solid decade.