TacticalSkittles 12 points ago +12 / -0

These are the first people who screamed that Trump would take away their voting rights when he was elected, and the first thing they want to do is start a pogrom to eliminate anyone who disagrees with them.

TacticalSkittles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hah, like I'm gonna sit and wait. I went out and bought me a new stendo mag for my 226.

TacticalSkittles 18 points ago +18 / -0

Wise man once said, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying hard enough.

I just think it's hilarious that in this day and age, where everyone can get a free photo id from the government, that there's still a huge contingent of idiots who think that a national law requiring an ID to vote is somehow voter suppression. Yet in 35 states it's not a fucking issue.

If you look at the map of states requiring no voter id, you find they're the most devoted blue states in the nation. Coincidence?

TacticalSkittles 8 points ago +8 / -0

Because of the cold weather, in the northern states they have a tendency to ripen slower. Refrain from picking before the Marine Corps Birthday (Nov 10th) to guarantee your seed pod grows to .45ACP sizes.

Premature picking can result in oddities, such as .380s, or, if you truly made a mistake, in 9x19 Luger, resulting in the oddity of the American Icon shooting a nazi bullet. It is recommended that these mutants be eliminated with great prejudice.

TacticalSkittles 10 points ago +10 / -0

Primaries are where you vote for people you want to win.

Elections are where you vote against who you don't want to win.

TacticalSkittles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trick is that you need to start thinking of the use case for each weapon you carry, and then try to condense. 9mm is fine for a SMG or pistol, but carrying a 9mm and a .32acp is redundant. Make both 9mm or .32acp and call it a day. You could even move to a 9mm carbine over the .22LR and concern yourself with just one ammo type, but that might be going a bit needlessly too far.

What me and my wife do is that while she uses a breakdown NEF single shot 300 WinMag for long range stuff, while I wear plates to catch bullets and carry a few rounds and throw smoke grenades to make good retreats. I just need to find a better solution than taping a second plate to my body under the carrier plates

TacticalSkittles 9 points ago +9 / -0

Damnit, I can't seem to find it, but there was a court case years ago that deemed it illegal for the government to hold constitutional rights hostage behind a tax. The initial court case was (I think a state level) gov trying to repress media by requiring them to pay a tax to access their freedom of speech. I need to find it and bookmark it.

Anyways, the same should apply for the 2nd amendment. Constitutional rights should not be accessible only by those who are rich enough to pay some arbitrary tax to appease the government.

TacticalSkittles 5 points ago +5 / -0

it's a hi-point carbine in a High Tower Armory bullpup stock mod.


TacticalSkittles 12 points ago +12 / -0

You got some gorgeous 'Murica land behind you.

Next time, remember to bring more gun food.

TacticalSkittles 7 points ago +7 / -0

So it's basically like a recoilless rifle with less backdraft?

TacticalSkittles 10 points ago +10 / -0

Dave Bautista is a former WWE wrestler turned actor. Was in the marvel movies as Drax the Destroyer, and been in a few other movies since then.

TacticalSkittles 19 points ago +19 / -0

More people die every year from being beaten to death with bare hands than AR-15s.

Where's the voluntary hand buyback program? When you turning yours in?

TacticalSkittles 12 points ago +12 / -0

UN peacekeepers are notorious rape fiends everywhere they go.

Pedophile sex rings in Haiti? Check. Congo smothered with the children of rape victims? Check.

They get a kick out of being in the position of power against a vulnerable society, and devolve into the scum of the earth because of it.

TacticalSkittles 11 points ago +11 / -0

Officer, it wasn't murder, it was a fourth trimester, post partum abortion. Completely legal, get off my case. I don't care if he was 83 years old.

TacticalSkittles 18 points ago +18 / -0

The entirety of the Bill of Rights can be read as a list of grievances against the British Government, with specific events leading up to the war.

Imprisoning people for speaking against the Crown, or having different religious beliefs, while imprisoning people for merely gathering together? BAM 1st Amendment.

King George banning firearm ownership and confiscating rifles? BAM 2nd Amendment.

Tired of the British army commandeering houses during times of war? BAM 3rd Amendment.

Tired of the British doing unwarranted, surprise searches and seizing property without suspicion of wrongdoing, but just too loot? BAM 4th Amendment.

Imprisoning those who will not testify against themselves? BAM 5th Amendment.

Unfairly dragging out court procedures to drain people of their wealth while tying them up in excessively long, arduous court proceedings? BAM 6th Amendment.

Imprisoning people without due process or trial by jury? BAM 7th Amendment.

Imposing punishments that do not fit the crime on basis of cruelty to make an example of the criminal, or excessive punishment based on personal dislike of the defendant? BAM 8th Amendment.

Using written laws detailing rights to deny people rights that aren't explicitly listed? (looking at you Magna Carta) BAM 9th Amendment.

Completely invalidating the rights and undermining the authority of the colonies to run themselves through the power of the centralized government? BAM 10th Amendment.

It's literally a list of "This is shit the British did that we don't want our new government to do."

TacticalSkittles 5 points ago +5 / -0

So you're saying I can get it shipped to my door as a C&R?

I'll buy 3!

TacticalSkittles 9 points ago +10 / -1

Considering some of the things he's said, I'm willing to wager a decent bit of it is envy of Matt's success.

TacticalSkittles 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hey now, I don't look up to slavic troglodytes, I AM A SLAVIC TROGLODYTE thank you very much, I just want that taste of the motherland without the whole being government property thing.

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