Asking because local BellasProAss actually has a Savage 110 Tactical Southpaw in 6.5 Meme. And guns in the handedness of Gun Judas are fucking hard to find even in the best of times. But is Mememoore just a fad that is already passing with the PRC's being the new hotness? I know it has seen limited adoption by the military, and my grandpappy said buy shit the military uses, but by army guys who have personal ammo budgets higher than the entire yearly budget of my local sheriff's department. And they can change on a whim should "the mission dictate".
Normally I'd go with .308 because I already stock it for the Cold War Rifle collection, or at least Full NATO. I've avoided Mememoore because if I had followed every trend I'd have a .260 Remington, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8SPC, all of which was to be the next big thing then faded.
I could ask long range shooters, but they're kinda assholes plus sniff the manufactures and guntubers/bloggers farts. Figure autists would be the better perspective.
I've seen so many tryhard fudds buy that shit in an attempt to not be a fudd... all that happens is that they become elitist fudds with their superior caliber so they can smoke the same pissant 90 lbs yearling does at 50 yards on opening morning in the dense clusterfuck of SE Missouri's woods.
So, in short, yes. It's gonna hang on for a while. Fudds have hitched their wagon to that train.
I still maintain that .308 is the better hunting choice as there's still more hunting bullet options out there.
The rifle I really want is made by Tikka, but Beretta doesn't import the southpaw version. I could buy a T3X southpaw superlight (I think that's the cheapest), then get a MDT chasis or Boyds At-One and have it bedded and add a 20 or 30 MOA rail. But that gets to be a $1200 - $2200 affair pretty quick. Or could get a Savage for $600, spend another $600 on the glass and not have to do a god damn thing other than adding a muzzle device or a can or a muzzle device for a can.
You're not wrong with the point about bullets and hunting. I really think of them as about equal for practical hunting use (as far as how I'd use them)... less recoil is nice for the 6.5, but 308 does have more selection.
Also, get the Savage. My dad has a stock .243 110 model that's fucking lights out even with a cheap ass scope. Granted, its about 8 years old now... I'm hoping quality has stayed approximately the same.