I know we’re pretty autistic but you seem to be flat out obtusely fucking retarded. Let me see if I can simplify it further.
start holding them accountable
Instead of sucking Trumps dick all day, how about doing the intelligent, actually patriotic thing and holding him accountable. When he does something anti-2A, like pass bumpstock bans, don’t just throw your hands in the air and be like ‘oh well it’s no big deal that he lied to my fucking face, he’s still the best’. Call the fucker on it. Write him a goddamn letter, write your senator, fucking tweet at him I don’t give a shit but quit internet fellating him over the lies. That’s how you actually support a candidate: you acknowledge their good qualities and victories while calling them on their faults and missteps. This nonstop worship of the man is nothing short of religious zealotry and it only serves to drive people from your cause.
I know we’re pretty autistic but you seem to be flat out obtusely fucking retarded. Let me see if I can simplify it further.
Instead of sucking Trumps dick all day, how about doing the intelligent, actually patriotic thing and holding him accountable. When he does something anti-2A, like pass bumpstock bans, don’t just throw your hands in the air and be like ‘oh well it’s no big deal that he lied to my fucking face, he’s still the best’. Call the fucker on it. Write him a goddamn letter, write your senator, fucking tweet at him I don’t give a shit but quit internet fellating him over the lies. That’s how you actually support a candidate: you acknowledge their good qualities and victories while calling them on their faults and missteps. This nonstop worship of the man is nothing short of religious zealotry and it only serves to drive people from your cause.