For the love of God if you live in Georgia vote GOP next week. Personally I think both the GOP senators are sketchy but it’s better than the two democrats who openly favor gun confiscation
Libertarians you guys take the sticks out of your ass and actually vote for something that at least holds the line against the inevitable assault on 2A
Accelerationism is gay too
If you vote on the exact same rigged machines and system you are a literal retard.
Spoken like a true faggot.
P.S. your post had no guns, so now you are a superfag.
What's the alternative?
Remember that when Dems landslide and you bitch about not being able to buy ANY AR parts online
Or just vote R and watch as they ban more gun shit anyway.
Or vote and it doesn't matter because the machine decides who you really voted for.
Idiots really think you can vote your way out of a tyrannical government.