tl;dr: If the federal government passes any gun control laws make sure you stop paying your income taxes and turn all of your semi autos into machine guns
SS: I sell my body to the big pharmaceutical companies by donating plasma for money. (I put all this money into the stock market) When you donate for the first time a nurse has to physical feel your body. Well obviously I was carrying my glock (I'm a glock fag) and my spare mags. The nurse apparently didn't give a shit. The next time I came in I saw the newly posted "Weapons Not Allowed Sign" (Subsequently because of me). So after reading this sign I left my gun and mags in the car (I'm a law abiding fag... for now). Then I used to the wifi to browse best gunnit. One day I come in and best gunnit is blocked by the wifi. Coincidence? I think not!. Anyways, long story short the Biden (Harris) Administration is going to push some crazy gun control agenda and we will all turn into criminals for owning private property that we passed a background check for and paid taxes on. God Bless everyone of you and make sure you learn how to 3D print guns. Follow me on twitter @guns_3d
tl;dr: If the federal government passes any gun control laws make sure you stop paying your income taxes and turn all of your semi autos into machine guns
SS: I sell my body to the big pharmaceutical companies by donating plasma for money. (I put all this money into the stock market) When you donate for the first time a nurse has to physical feel your body. Well obviously I was carrying my glock (I'm a glock fag) and my spare mags. The nurse apparently didn't give a shit. The next time I came in I saw the newly posted "Weapons Not Allowed Sign" (Subsequently because of me). So after reading this sign I left my gun and mags in the car (I'm a law abiding fag... for now). Then I used to the wifi to browse best gunnit. One day I come in and best gunnit is blocked by the wifi. Coincidence? I think not!. Anyways, long story short the Biden (Harris) Administration is going to push some crazy gun control agenda and we will all turn into criminals for owning private property that we passed a background check for and paid taxes on. God Bless everyone of you and make sure you learn how to 3D print guns. Follow me on twitter @guns_3d
I am all for machine guns, but not paying taxes will just make it easier to jail us and take our guns/lives. Yeah, not the move...
I had to zoom in pretty hard to see that piece, sly dog ?
Not gonna make any real returns with the $100(?) he gets in plasma
I’m not surprised. It’s just that one day it wasn’t blocked and two days later it was.