3 he is a gapping dickhole and no one can change my mind (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 3 years ago by The_other_us3r 3 years ago by The_other_us3r +3 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Is this a “not see bad” post, for no reason whatsoever other than to showcase your lack of knowledge of national socialism?
It’s a joke about him liking a bunch of fingers in his ass you fucking donkey.
See, without context it looks like simple neocon complaining. Thanks for the clarification.
no, I'm implying david chipman is a nazi. But he probably does like having things put up his ass
K, fuck off. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t even know who this guy is, but I can say for certain he’s not what you think he is simply because you don’t like him.
racists get the bullet too
Imagine being so pathetic that you go back four months to spam someone’s posts.
You have admitted that I am correct, paid shill.
racists get the bullet too