8th month of the year … I guess that means something but I don’t have it in me to come up with some witty paragraph that encompasses our autistic love of firearms and near radical hatred of our current government so just use your imagination to pretend I said something profound but also hilarious.
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Actual serious topic but what do people think about the military trials with the new 6.8 round? I don’t understand why they want to universally replace 5.56. It’s an excellent round for what it is designed for but no shit it doesn’t have the range of 7.62 NATO. The army is making a mistake for trying to have one round do everything. History has shown that it is easier to have one round for logistics that there is no be all end all round. I think the army is making a mistake if they switch fully to 6.8. It doesn’t make sense for urban combat because it’s so damn loud and recoils way more than 5.56. It makes sense to have DMRs in the squad with a heavier round and LMG guys too but not smart for all infantry. I don’t have a 6.5 meme more gun but that round is just a better version of 7.62 NATO from what I’ve read so why don’t you just use that for LMGs and DMRs. It’s a proven round and spec ops is already using it for DMR roles. Seems like our corrupt government just wants to hang SIG more money than make the right decision
Uh sorry I forgot my Wendy’s order
Wanting to have one round that does everything seems an awful lot like the design of the F35: a jet that fills many roles and is mediocre at all of them.