66 Tax money going to terrorists again (media.communities.win) posted 3 years ago by Ozryel 3 years ago by Ozryel +66 / -0 15 comments download share 15 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Part of why I hate the american mindset. Too many people think we have what we have not since the 1800s.
Yes but in Afghanistan some people get to be warlords. If that's not a goal to strive for what is?
Afghanistan's citizens get their guns taken away by warlords though, and go along with it
On the bright side the government is going to declare us terrorists so maybe the CIA will give us RPKs and RPGs
Well no shit; there’s people quite literally using threats of violence to remove our rights for their political gain. That’s definitionally terrorism.
Or did you mean the part where we abandoned a bunch of goodies?
the second option...
True story, all I want is a carl g and a 240 lima, but apparently only dirt farming cavemen get the good stuff
240 Golf or gtfo
I do enjoy gas setting 3 in the golf, I like the idea of a 20lbs 240 a bit more
Or fuggit pkm
Ma deuce. Toyota Hilux. That is all.
The ATF just approved my stamp for my a10 warthog.
I’m Gucci fam