Last month of 2021 ... This was such a fun year with all the ammo available, zero inflation, the end of Covid19 (finally!), and the best president in history constantly fighting to uphold our individual liberty and limit federal overreach.
Actually, now that I think about it maybe 2021 wasn't that great of a year after all. I did get a few new guns this year so I got that going for me, which is nice.
What brand of axel grease does Eugene Stoner use?
Aeroshell 22.
It smells like cancer and it's friggin military grade.
Military grade?
So made by the lowest bidder to the lowest specs? Maybe for the ak, but mah other guns deserve better.
It seems like the grease on BCGs is thicker that just regular lube. Was wondering if there is anything more autistic for me to use than automotive grease. If you're thinking about searching online for this, don't, because I haven't either.
Astroglide not recommended. Especially silicone based. Just don't. Cleaning will be a bitch.