Last month of 2021 ... This was such a fun year with all the ammo available, zero inflation, the end of Covid19 (finally!), and the best president in history constantly fighting to uphold our individual liberty and limit federal overreach.
Actually, now that I think about it maybe 2021 wasn't that great of a year after all. I did get a few new guns this year so I got that going for me, which is nice.
Do fellow autists wish that more PCCs were made in so called magnum auto calibers like 10mm, 50 action express or 44 auto magnum? Seems like they would do a lot better in a PCC than in the meme handguns that chamber them. 10mm is a solid cartridge but in a handgun 50 action express and 44 auto magnum are meme cartridges
I wish there was a bolt action 9mm with a 16 inch barrel
Be the change you wish to see in the world Geralt.
But also, why? Silver bullets too expensive, and high velocity ones not surviving the flight?