I... I.. don't need no bricks man... But uh... You got any... You know... The stuff? Just need a baggie of nine man... Maybe some 762 or 223? Just enough to take the edge off you know? I ain't shot none.. in a day or so. Come on man yeh gotta help me out here...
I'll trade you 2 boxes of mismatched .22LR and a pocket full of smarties for the draco.
done and done.
Nice, and you chopped the stock on the old shotgun too. Bound to give some people the cry-crys
I'm gonna cry if that's a '97
Wait, are you telling me that if I provide the drugs, other members of my community will give me their guns in exchange?
yes, if they are cool. if they are uncool, you must trade ghey segs and soy burgers
will trade some jerky for meth and ramen
walks up acting like an itchy crackfiend
I... I.. don't need no bricks man... But uh... You got any... You know... The stuff? Just need a baggie of nine man... Maybe some 762 or 223? Just enough to take the edge off you know? I ain't shot none.. in a day or so. Come on man yeh gotta help me out here...
-life of an ammo fiend.
done and done
What's the conversion rate of 115 grn Fiochi to weed? Asking for a friend.
One weeds per glannk
Bonus points for the KelTec Meme Gun 2000
I'm assuming you accept silver and like new pews, never fired and only dropped once .
I'll take the the Mac and all the gift bags.