Awww yissss. No half measures. I forgot that your maplesucking stepper-in-chief likes to go full "Mammy" with his blackface. Get me some red lipstick, an apron, and a head wrap... they're gonna beg me to run for office by the time I'm done.
I'm not going to lie, I waffled back and forth on whether it was black or brown. I couldn't remember, so I went with the most offensive one from an American perspective. Fortune favors the bold.
Could you imagine the pussy reek that must emanate from that motherfucker? Plus, I'm pretty sure he uses expensive tinted lip moisturizers... I mean, just look at the shine on them cock zambonis.
Should've been a tin full of black shoe polish.
Awww yissss. No half measures. I forgot that your maplesucking stepper-in-chief likes to go full "Mammy" with his blackface. Get me some red lipstick, an apron, and a head wrap... they're gonna beg me to run for office by the time I'm done.
You bigot. Everyone knows treaudeu does brownface.
I'm not going to lie, I waffled back and forth on whether it was black or brown. I couldn't remember, so I went with the most offensive one from an American perspective. Fortune favors the bold.
Here I thought I smelled the big pile of shit on the header but it was just Justin Trudeau. My bad.
Don't really want the house smelling like pussy.
Thanks anyway.
Could you imagine the pussy reek that must emanate from that motherfucker? Plus, I'm pretty sure he uses expensive tinted lip moisturizers... I mean, just look at the shine on them cock zambonis.