99% of ppl in the BLM movement don't realize they're being duped by marxists. Boog bois side by side with them in the streets may be their only opportunity to see what's really going on. And I'll guarantee you we won't keep our gun rights, and eventually the rest of our civil rights, for long without support from minorities.
I don't see anything overtly communist about this video. I watched the whole thing. Did you? It just looks like a bunch of freedom loving Americans uniting against police and government overreach and abuse of power.
Dude in the green shirt needs to focus on losing weight and changing his eating habits before he can fully invest in fighting for our rights but appreciated non the less
BLM doesn't like commie haters like us. They'll stab you in the back as soon as you help them with their agenda.
99% of ppl in the BLM movement don't realize they're being duped by marxists. Boog bois side by side with them in the streets may be their only opportunity to see what's really going on. And I'll guarantee you we won't keep our gun rights, and eventually the rest of our civil rights, for long without support from minorities.
Communist retards flagging each other in the crowd...would have been great to see one or two NDs.
I don't see anything overtly communist about this video. I watched the whole thing. Did you? It just looks like a bunch of freedom loving Americans uniting against police and government overreach and abuse of power.
I see boog fake ass trolls and paid agitators.
Exactly. Anyone that aligns with commies (blm) is a commie. Period.
BLM is communist and aligning with them makes them communist. Better dead than red. Period.
Simping for BLM is the dumbest thing you can do. These shits are just useful idiots.
Neon faggots.
Who has a katana with no belt to hold it, classic asshole right there.
My asshole can hold a katana no prob
Dude in the green shirt needs to focus on losing weight and changing his eating habits before he can fully invest in fighting for our rights but appreciated non the less
Goddamn glowpatrol
All seems good except for the glowy boog fags near the end.
I saw a few good speakers wearing Hawaiian shirts who didn't look or sound glowy but those fags at the end stank!
Someone says they're BLM so I retract my statement pending confirmation.
BLM suckles at the teat of Marx!
Predator carried a shoulder mounted cannon, not a sword! rated: 0/larp
A league of faggotry if you will. Standing up for what matters. Fuck the police, dont step on my rights.