94 Gun memes? Meme guns! (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Ozryel 4 years ago by Ozryel +94 / -0 24 comments download share 24 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Thats commitment to the game, most people don't deck out there NES light zapper, but this guy? This guy ducks.
ATF would like to know your location
Not in the US™
As one that is also not in the US, you have given me a project to 3D model this weekend...
I got this thing for 60€ Maybe you can find it somewhere. It is an original canik accessorie
I directly contaced a dealer who sold Caniks and asked if they could get one
So no link, sorry
Dang, have a SKU or anything? My Googling has turned up nothing...
This isn't available in the US as far as I know. At least it has some ATF infringment notice on it
Googling king canik stock brings it up, but probably no store to get it. Maybe write century arms, they can give a definitive answer about it
Now he just needs to swap out the forward grip for an under barrel mag holder and he’s good to go. No tax stamp needed
Meme rifles*
Nice rifle bro.
Who makes the trigger? I have a TP9SFX Elite Blackout and am curious about aftermarket triggers.
Freedomsmith USA https://freedomsmith.com/shop
I have the OG Fat daddy trigger in mine
Meme guns? I already own a Shockwave
then you are qualified
You'll shoot uer hand off kid
That's why I have two
Im calling uncle BATFE!
What kind of sniper rifle is this
Canik TP9 Sfx with original Canik stock and BCM gunfighter vertical grip