its true vpns aren't a one stop solution but its better than nothing as long as you put in a little bit of effort on top of it. like the video you mentioned outlines, its actually a bit of a chore to maintain true anonymity but totally doable if you really committed to changing your browsing habits.
Kitboga (the guy who trolls scammers and hackers) on YouTube has a nice video on how VPNs are essentially not doing all you think they are.
its true vpns aren't a one stop solution but its better than nothing as long as you put in a little bit of effort on top of it. like the video you mentioned outlines, its actually a bit of a chore to maintain true anonymity but totally doable if you really committed to changing your browsing habits.
I use the tor browser, and a VPN. I've heard thats overkill but if it works it works.