You just made me realize how many of these lib "aS a GuN oWnEr" opinions we're going to be hearing in the future of people who panic bought and won't even remember how to release a slide. Truly we descended into a dark timeline.
I have two opposing mentalities in my noggin:
The Good Outcome: dem libtards realize a gun doesn't shoot until someone pulls the trigger, so the term "gun violence" doesn't make sense, so libtards start focusing on people rather than instruments. Maybe they'll change their perspectives on why Chicago is violent vs the rest of the entire state
The Bad Outcome: same libtards keep their guns as a reassurance, and after the virus passes, they start bitching about how easy it was to buy a gun, which is bad.
On one hand, the good outcome is common sense, and those twitter videos of Minneapolis ought to put them on edge. On the other hand, CNN has canned the videos very tight, so they may not see them, plus the liberal ego runs deep. I'm split 40% good / 60% bad probability of outcome
I'm not a pessimist, but I'd say the latter is more likely. They'll argue how easy it was for them to get a gun, but it shouldn't be that easy for just anyone while still hanging onto their gun for personal protection reasons.
Just look at the few democrat politicians who are gun owners and how they treat the subject, and expect that to be the norm. It was so easy for them, how easy must it be for gang bangers to get ahold of scary fully semi automatic rifles?
I just sold my PSA upper Anderson lower budget build AR + 8 Gen 2 Pmags for $900. It's wild out there but that is now more mags and a better optic for my other AR
Everything is selling. Pops sold an XD9 for $600, because he hated it and it only had $400 in it. AR parts are selling out quick, but fortunately stuff gets restocked regularly. I feel bad for anyone trying to stockpile ammo now.
I hope they also become leeettle beet aware of Diversity (tm). Maybe it's not a 100% perfect idea to bring in and give free reign to Africans, Hispanics, Arabs, White liberals, and Methodists.
Of course, I'm clearly on crack. Best case scenario, let's draw a line between us and them, diversity on that side, evil big bad racism on my side.
Most of the guns are either cheaper garbage or a meme gun on this site. The characters depict lefties who love to say as a gun owner blah blah blah. After buying their guns they finally realize that it is actually more difficult to buy one than they heard from the news. After buying one they get way into it, but only temporarily at which point they will want to sell them back and vote for state gun buybacks. The ammo is mostly "safe" ammo. It isnt made to do max damage. The ammo with the x's is made to expand and do some serious damage if it hits you. PSA and high point is awesome though and everyone needs a hundred dolla highpoint and cheap psa ar.
All the new reddit spinoffs are in same situation. Ruqqus is picking up steam pretty well. The more and more subreddits get banned the more momentum we'll see.
I think the .win sites need to form a cohesive network to be navigated between, not isolated sites, or that will be a downfall. I know about this one and but no others, and I know there's more out there.
You just made me realize how many of these lib "aS a GuN oWnEr" opinions we're going to be hearing in the future of people who panic bought and won't even remember how to release a slide. Truly we descended into a dark timeline.
Future poll: 43% of gun owners are in favor of mandatory buy backs
I will print so many lowers if that happens that I will crash the economy
Someone I know said they knew someone with a CNC and a lot of free time.
I have 8 kids and a decent amount of schedule 40 steel pipe.
I have two opposing mentalities in my noggin: The Good Outcome: dem libtards realize a gun doesn't shoot until someone pulls the trigger, so the term "gun violence" doesn't make sense, so libtards start focusing on people rather than instruments. Maybe they'll change their perspectives on why Chicago is violent vs the rest of the entire state The Bad Outcome: same libtards keep their guns as a reassurance, and after the virus passes, they start bitching about how easy it was to buy a gun, which is bad. On one hand, the good outcome is common sense, and those twitter videos of Minneapolis ought to put them on edge. On the other hand, CNN has canned the videos very tight, so they may not see them, plus the liberal ego runs deep. I'm split 40% good / 60% bad probability of outcome
I'm not a pessimist, but I'd say the latter is more likely. They'll argue how easy it was for them to get a gun, but it shouldn't be that easy for just anyone while still hanging onto their gun for personal protection reasons.
Just look at the few democrat politicians who are gun owners and how they treat the subject, and expect that to be the norm. It was so easy for them, how easy must it be for gang bangers to get ahold of scary fully semi automatic rifles?
I love psa. The ak is legit.
I just sold my PSA upper Anderson lower budget build AR + 8 Gen 2 Pmags for $900. It's wild out there but that is now more mags and a better optic for my other AR
Sold one of the original M&P Sports ($900 gun at the time) for $2500 back in 2013 after two guys at the range got in a bidding war.
You'll be kicking yourself when you see the guy resell it for $1600 in October.
I had $305 in the build so I'll take the profit
Stonks ^
Everything is selling. Pops sold an XD9 for $600, because he hated it and it only had $400 in it. AR parts are selling out quick, but fortunately stuff gets restocked regularly. I feel bad for anyone trying to stockpile ammo now.
Scuse me, Hi-Points are the weapons of elite operb8ters
The tactical utility of a Hi-Point is that your target will burst out laughing when they see it.
Rounds shot with a Hi-Point don't kill the target, the embarrassment of being shot by one is enough.
I still want one. I can't bring myself to buy one.
I just ordered hunnit dolla grips for $20 to incentivize me to buy the rest of the gun
A buddy traded 500 rounds of .40 short and week for one. Not sure who got the better deal.
At current ammo prices, the other guy
No the utility is the fact that they are practically disposable, besides that if you spendin mo than $350 you collectin
I hope they also become leeettle beet aware of Diversity (tm). Maybe it's not a 100% perfect idea to bring in and give free reign to Africans, Hispanics, Arabs, White liberals, and Methodists. Of course, I'm clearly on crack. Best case scenario, let's draw a line between us and them, diversity on that side, evil big bad racism on my side.
Methodists are really dangerous people.
Not all hispanics are mexicans.
I'm new to guns and don't understand most of these references. Can someone explain?
Most of the guns are either cheaper garbage or a meme gun on this site. The characters depict lefties who love to say as a gun owner blah blah blah. After buying their guns they finally realize that it is actually more difficult to buy one than they heard from the news. After buying one they get way into it, but only temporarily at which point they will want to sell them back and vote for state gun buybacks. The ammo is mostly "safe" ammo. It isnt made to do max damage. The ammo with the x's is made to expand and do some serious damage if it hits you. PSA and high point is awesome though and everyone needs a hundred dolla highpoint and cheap psa ar.
Hi Points are just the freedom loving but incredibly autistic cousins of Makarovs
Thank you for explaining. I did not expect such a direct and respectful answer on an internet message board.
Sorry, my cat jumped on my keyboard. I ment show your toes faggot.
No problem though. Hope you stick around. The new weekend doesnt have as much content as old weekend, but hopefully it picks up in a good way.
All the new reddit spinoffs are in same situation. Ruqqus is picking up steam pretty well. The more and more subreddits get banned the more momentum we'll see.
I think the .win sites need to form a cohesive network to be navigated between, not isolated sites, or that will be a downfall. I know about this one and but no others, and I know there's more out there.
you leave the fucking hi point out of this.
Heh. As a liberal gun owner, we were always here. Always.
I bought my first gun today but I’ve been MAGA for years. Made sure to wear a Hawaiian while buying too lmao