The M7 is a decent bayonet. Frankly I'd affix mine if I were out there.
Bayonet training was fun as hell even if I never would actually use it in combat. I'd knock a motherfucker out with a butt-strike if they got up on me. Keep eye contact, strike. Strike to push back, slash, poke, repeat. Don't forget to yell when you do it.
What a fucking piece of shit. I bet he couldn’t figure out how to put the bayonet away after his boyfriends fuck buddy opened it up for him. Now he’s stuck with it.
Glad to see I wasn't the only thinking this. What are they going to do, jump on the bayonet themselves?
Little something from Kenosha. Honestly with the BLM crowd larping as a zombie horde I can kinda see the bayonet.
No need to reload just keep thrusting.
Kar98k would’ve been more fitting.
He is prepared for the inevitable police Calvary charge at least.
I mean, I keep my bayonet with my AR, if shit goes crazy I want the stabby stick
The M7 is a decent bayonet. Frankly I'd affix mine if I were out there.
Bayonet training was fun as hell even if I never would actually use it in combat. I'd knock a motherfucker out with a butt-strike if they got up on me. Keep eye contact, strike. Strike to push back, slash, poke, repeat. Don't forget to yell when you do it.
I mean, all hail the nugget, but it just goes to show, these people think they're at a gun convention. At least the nerd brought a bayonet.
What a fucking piece of shit. I bet he couldn’t figure out how to put the bayonet away after his boyfriends fuck buddy opened it up for him. Now he’s stuck with it.