One time in a moment of "oh shit we're gonna die in freezing cold water as the boat capsizes" panic I shot a flare. Literally two other boats I could see from mine and nobody paid attention. Moral of this story is good luck with the boating trip.
Fun fact, those fuckers are 12g but you gotta cut your shells down to fit or use short shells. Don’t ask how I know or how I managed to keep all 11 fingers into adulthood.
Is it prone to capsizing and then magically righting itself again, but in doing so all your guns sink?
One time in a moment of "oh shit we're gonna die in freezing cold water as the boat capsizes" panic I shot a flare. Literally two other boats I could see from mine and nobody paid attention. Moral of this story is good luck with the boating trip.
Fun fact, those fuckers are 12g but you gotta cut your shells down to fit or use short shells. Don’t ask how I know or how I managed to keep all 11 fingers into adulthood.
Imma just leave this
If you’re not a cheap bastard, you can buy a 12ga insert for a 26.5mm flare gun, and it’ll last a lot longer.
In theory. No shoot my cat.
Good taste in knives.