Your only gona need a couple mags worth of ammo. Either you win the firefight and get to collect the loot or your dead and no amount of ammo will save you
I know this is a Taco Bell but I just wanted to let everyone know that the boog meme was created by feds and world government spooks to put cowbells on retards like us who partook in it. It also doesn't help that they're spiking your tap water with lithium under the guise of "lowering suicidal thoughts in people affected by staying at home during quarantine" when they're actually trying to subvert people into becoming intolerant of any and all violence not justified by their leaders who they can no longer think critically of. The best thing you can do at this point is start a family, raise and teach your own children, and to live autonomously from government-controlled industry. Oh yeah, and there is practically no difference between capitalism and communism at this point because the same gamekeepers are keeping track of both scores.
I didn't buy enough ammo...
Your only gona need a couple mags worth of ammo. Either you win the firefight and get to collect the loot or your dead and no amount of ammo will save you
This made me laugh so hard, probably because I came up with this exact thing a few weeks ago
Reloading kit probably pays itself off really quick these days
Only if you already bought your reloading components or have good prices locally. Online sucks now.
Those are some weird bendies you got there... should use them as rear takedown pin shims
I know this is a Taco Bell but I just wanted to let everyone know that the boog meme was created by feds and world government spooks to put cowbells on retards like us who partook in it. It also doesn't help that they're spiking your tap water with lithium under the guise of "lowering suicidal thoughts in people affected by staying at home during quarantine" when they're actually trying to subvert people into becoming intolerant of any and all violence not justified by their leaders who they can no longer think critically of. The best thing you can do at this point is start a family, raise and teach your own children, and to live autonomously from government-controlled industry. Oh yeah, and there is practically no difference between capitalism and communism at this point because the same gamekeepers are keeping track of both scores.
This is the most woke thing ive ever read