AM_Industries 17 points ago +17 / -0

He's nothing, if not consistent

AM_Industries 17 points ago +17 / -0

You plan on making it to the camps?

AM_Industries 11 points ago +11 / -0

I just want you to know that after our conversation a couple weeks ago I ended up filling out my mail-in for Trump instead of Jorgensen. I came to the conclusion that it had to be him or I was basically volunteering to go to war. Which now looks like it's going to happen anyways, but whatever, bring it on I guess.

I also want you to know I went out to my shop and hazed myself with Boone's farm late into the evening so I could forget that I voted for Trump. It did not work.

So here's something you won't read on the internet often: You made me see reason, I voted a different direction than what I was going to. Congratulations, you were right.

Now back to my regularly scheduled drinking.

by Gr4ck3L
AM_Industries 5 points ago +5 / -0

You make I will buy at least 3. I really wanna remake the WG don't rustle me patch, but alas, I'm lazy.

AM_Industries 10 points ago +10 / -0

So basically nothing is a pistol anymore unless they say it it is? And that can vary depending on exactly which agent is doing the interpretation?

AM_Industries 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well he's a freedom hating jackass so yeah he would. Anyone who does not know this by now needs to go lick a 220 outlet until their brain resets.

AM_Industries 2 points ago +2 / -0

Full of fudds who are selling $800 mosins that were previously used as baseball bats. "No LOwBaLLerS I KNoW wHuT I GOt" is a common theme. I have not bought anything at a gun show for several years now because I cannot get drunk enough to justify the prices those baboons are selling shit at.

They remind me of the king of the hill episode that all the old fuckers sell their war trophies in.

AM_Industries 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fucking sugar creek or whatever it is, INFESTED with fudds. I got yelled at for firing a bolt action rifle too fast...

AM_Industries 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cincy/ClerCo degen here. For outdoor ranges that do not suck, tranquility used to be the place. No RSO, out in the middle of nowhere. Currently undergoing reconstruction due to drainage issues and barrier needs a rebuild. Supposed to be done in like 2 years.

Indoor ranges, my favorite is Hammer Down in Goshen. Owner and his wife are cool, staff are cool. They have good lanes, decent prices, and a nice membership package. There is one guy there who looks like Hagrid but is full of sass and does great work gunsmithing. He is awesome to talk to.

Cool old shops to check out: Milford Gun Store and Switzer Arms, both on the main drag in Milford. The old fucker at Switzer is cantankerous at first, but he has incredible WW2 and Cold War stuff that's actually for sale. Once he figures out you are cool and not just there to finger fuck his stuff then leave, he will actually tell you some cool stories.

If you want to go outdoor shooting at a good range that's currently open, I recommend Keno shooting range in southern KY. It's in the middle of nowhere, there is no RSO, the nearby town of Somerset has plenty of gun stores and good eats.

If you seriously want a shooting buddy, message me and we can try to meet up. No, I'm not a glowie, just a fat guy who works for an auction house.

AM_Industries 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm a dude running an HR department. I actively but covertly recruit those that I know are down to boog.

AM_Industries 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes I'm having fun here. There are less posts per day, but what's here is far greater than what was on reddit. I got my life back too by quitting reddit. I come here maybe once a day while taking a shit, laugh, maybe post some, and then go back to doing things that are allegedly productive.

Here almost all the content is good right now. I don't have to weed through 900 posts made by retarded eunuchs. Wish there was more meth here, but that will com in time I'm sure.

AM_Industries 4 points ago +4 / -0

The trifecta was WG, WSB, and Calamari Racing Team

AM_Industries 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who knew they came with a self-cleansing cycle?

AM_Industries 14 points ago +17 / -3

Yeah, that's .308 on the left and looks to be 6.5 on the right.

AM_Industries 3 points ago +3 / -0

S&W 645?

I have one and that fucker will cycle anything. Good ammo, bad ammo, empty casings...

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