Nope, sorry... Just a stranger reaching the end of his rope.
I think he said, "Go ahead and drill that third hole, fuck your barell length to stock ratio, and tannerite the stuffed dog!" But I may have misheard some of it, I could mostly only hear Fortunate Son.
Some of the tisim still hangs out at r/tacticalgear.
Speaking of dope shit from the before-times, does anyone have a copy of that Babadook Gif with the kid screeching about tannerite in the dog, etc.?
Nah I run a Glock, like a fag, but hi-point better fits the idiom.
Yes, remember the banner used to say "keep your fucking mouth shut!" Words to live by.
That's why I like my guns like I like my economic theory, Austrian. I drive a Glock for the simple fact that it is retard proof, no safety to disengage, no decocking, and suitable to dryfire until my toes bleed.
Well, to be fair, they aren't Americans...