I can’t make a linked post correct cause I’m retarded so here’s my question: This dumb cunt that shot up the Nashville school identified as (he/him) and transgender. This adds to my “mental illness is the problem” hypothesis. If that’s true, how do you prevent school shootings?
WRT the pistol brace shit the ATF is doing… Hear me out: I just had a flash of brillia…excuse me retard. The number 10-40MM keeps getting thrown around regarding pistol braces in circulation, potentially designating them as common-use. WHAT IF there was a way to organize, and everyone put a stock on their pistols, so that when congress deems the ATFs recent actions unconstitutional, the common-use argument could be used on the SBR rule (or the NFA, at-large).
Edit: the penalty for owning an unregistered SBR and an unregistered pistol brace is the same at the juncture…
Webspawner is FIRED up and I love it. There’s gonna be some legal blowback from this and I can’t wait to see it. The most disappointing thing about the ATF is they have a legitimate opportunity to decrease gun violence, but they instead choose to focus EVERY SJNGLE one of their efforts on law abiding citizens.
I even circled the steering wheel for you retards
My wife’s boyfriend told me to buy that color…