TwistedPairz 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a heavy battle rifle, and since I rendered the carrying handle inoperable because of the scope I figured my dumb ass better get one.

TwistedPairz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, your just a bit wound up. So that firearm was purchased in 95. The two vacuums are in fact a Dyson and the big one is a carpet cleaner. I know the toe rules and meth all that thanks to Uncle. So hate all ya want cuppycake, I love it personally.

TwistedPairz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holly shit your an AOL chat room monitor ? ((((((Reg)))))). Yup he's definitely a fed. Classic AOL shorthand.

by lxd4610
TwistedPairz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uncle !!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see your still here. This is your long lost nephew from the early plandemic years. The kid you schooled that has a love for FALs, speaking of I finally got the OG bipod, still need to get my barrel threaded for the suppressor. My PDW was AmericanTilDeth.