It's like the time the DHS was created and .22 ammo was selling like toilet paper.
I'm retarded what is this ammo you speak of?
What the fuck skynet terminate u/Brapika for being a faggot.
What a fuckin trooper.
My mother in law is a qtard. Too funny.
Pew pews are one time use, trucks last awhile and I don't wanna get em all bloody.
Meth doesn't want pegged please advise.
Ever poop a bullet into a clipamag? It's happening.
My toes don't match any standard caliber but they hope to one day.
I don't know what the technical term is, I just know the sound it makes when it streches pipe.
^I thought we were mostly well rounded people that enjoy an outlet for our more retarded tendencies.
This is safe for work. Don't swedge your asshole tho.
I'll second this.
This is awesome. Who do I credit for this?
No floral pattern 1/10
What if I'm not a hipster faggot and never used Google cloud or iShit?
Tails isn't even mentioned yet it's the very best way to help you stay anonymous.
Scared faggots each bought a gun that I don't expect them to ever use at all. If your area had guns before the latest media hoaxes, then they still do. If not, you most likely live in a commie shithole.
The cure for racism is racism.
Become a narc.
Go fuck yourself. You think that is what's happening here? This BLM commie ain't getting any love from us dummy.
This is the kind of high quality retardation I signed up for!
Every time I shot an auto shotty I was disappoint, dumpster defender dual wield never let me down.
Pretty sure he also had his wife post this on instaface.
This dork posted a previous image a week ago. In this one we see two variants of a Marxist face covering.
Skynet terminate u/elitemage101
My goodness. What an ugly child. The mag is probably longer than the pod.