I did have my foot in the in the picture but had to crop it out in order to get the file size within specs. Plz shop one in for the degenerates.
Golden Rule FML don't let meth order ammo.
Is gun.
It would be much better if we all just used paintball guns and put the balls in the freezer to make them hurt more tomorrow.I would also put knives in the freezer so tomorrow they have cold dmg +2
Plus he needs glasses and he's like 23. This shit glows and is gay.
They're called toes dummy.
Skynet terminate NotAnATF_Agent
Fuckin sweet.
Still afraid to link cuz cheddit.
bestgunnit hall of fame
Fire up the fucking rotors.
Let's give people the right to rob assault and kidnap other people.
The only difference between retards and people that understand morality... well nvm there's a lot of differences.
You'd be surprised at what they hammer their benis to.
Helicopters are much more civilized.
I thought the goal was to chamber benis.
You can't come in here with that haircut.
Shitbot ban Larry_Skywalker
ND is life.
kek If this is old it's still new to me. He's so happy!
Haven't heard of that one.
Aaaand it's private.
Holy shit give this person a poop.