They ate a healthy diet including whole foods, nutritional farming methods and breeds, and saturated fats/cholesterol.
A lot less fake seed oils and processed shit.
it would force them to answer it?
I noticed the blood mist was kinda close to something like GTA but less pronounced
rekt. I wonder why they don't go to their cars and pick up their AR?
I like how antifa are so LARPy they think fireworks are explosives
CAGuns be like "If you don't suck femboy cocks and bend over for police you arne't american"
those are way more high quality than american memes
I like how he's pictured with a chinese tac vest with no spot for plate, also the shitty sightmark ghost hunter bino. their shit is unusable due to small lens
nice patrick mag
Limp wrist. The light frames don't have enough inertia for the recoil to cycle the slide and end up wasting energy into your arm.
No because they were made to be cheap and cut as many corners as possible while not reducing their function
What he gets for some tupperware bullshit he should have a real (closeted homosexual's) pistol like a M9
Jorgensen wants open borders and decriminalized illegal immigration. It would ruin the country in under a year
It's against the rules, but I'm more ok with straight degeneracy than the gay shit
actually lol'd
time to buy a pistol
guacamole nigga penis
that's disgusting
I like it
raises hand
so are the rules about posting 3d printed plans and shit lifted now?
can you add no furries too?
they would laugh you out of there like a retard.