I was gonna post that she looks pretty fit and well put together for ~ 50 year old woman. So much so I wouldn't mind seeing what's going on in those jeans and I'd bang it just to see what it's like to be with an old lady.
A brilliant outtro Dugan recorded for his video about fighting aliens. So catchy that there was an outcry for him to record and release a full version. This request went unsatisfied so some /k/ warrior took it upon himself to edit an extended version.
Listen to it on repeat for a few hours and you may realize that it might not have been some goofy throwaway snippet of music but an early prophetic vision channeled through the booglevisionary vessel that is Dugan.
It's about fucking AND killing Nazis
ObergruppenfurhergrammarNazi here pointing out that your sentence could be reasonably interpreted in a few rather different ways.
Is the song about
a. Fucking Nazis and then killing them?
b. Fucking a non-Nazi and then proceeding to kill Nazis?
c. Fucking Nazis while simultanously killing them?
d. Or generally about two different and separated recreational activities? As in singing about fucking, but also singing about Nazis in the same song?
That's nice. Is there a video with her vagina in it?