54 Why do people hurt me in this way (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by pwhitters 4 years ago by pwhitters +55 / -1 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
She's right. It's cool because you paid twice as much for it in 2020 as you would have in 2019.
I feel oppressed, what am I supposed to burn first?
Let the flame guide you. Mattresses seem to be popular.
I've been seriously considering the logistics of a gas powered chainsaw bayonette. I think it's going to be a pole saw that is modified. If I can just find one that's really small and light, but mount a 20" bar on it, that would be swell.
Try not cutting your hair like Justin beebr.
Right in the feels.