Finally got all my stuff the other day and was trying to finish my first lower. I have the Bosch 1617EVS router so I had to get the adapter plate. After figuring out how to mount the plate with no instructions or screws I was able to get through the first 2 steps in the milling process. When you get to the point you have to put on the long guide pins and try to adjust the end mill to the bottom of the 3rd slot you literally can not do it. Even when you bottom out the Bosch 1617EVS as far as it will go it's still not long enough to reach the end of the 3rd slot.
I'm hoping someone on here has the same router and was able to finish theirs and I'm just doing it wrong. I have an actual benchtop mill but it's useless without the guide.
Yeah my mill skills are not strong at this time. The mill is all dial readouts so it's hard for be to be precise. Also, I don't really have the specs for the pocket because all I have been going off off is the jig where you don't actually have to know anything.