You have to have some sort of mental retardation to believe that all those jo votes would have went to trump.
You sound like a 50 year old
Man on Facebook too much fentanyl Floyd. What happened to cops over stepping their bounds. What happened to weekendgunnit saying fuck the police. It’s people like you who fucked up. Created a atmosphere for the GOP to become this shitty.
I will be fine, thankfully. Guns are fucking important, do you know what else is important our 4th and 5th amendments. You know who fucking loves the people who violate that the gop. No one is good in goverment they are all snakes. Your a fool to believe your preserving America.
Fuck the GOP and fuck America. America isn’t a country anymore, it’s a browned economic zone run by the long noses. I don’t give a shit about the cops as long as they kill my enemies. This country is too far gone. It’s time for violent Balkanization
I’m all for that but we you can’t say the lesser of two evils will save America. The only that that will save America is us. But I don’t see anyone acting like they will do it
America can’t be saved. It’s a “country” now populated with 90 IQ consumers who buy new product, have no religion, race, or nation to fight or die for, and own nothing - renting and paying subscriptions fees until they die and are replaced by another cog from the mass of sub-humanity.
The elites will sit back and gorge upon the fruits of the underclass, being utterly immune from any reprisal. Gun owning right wingers are the most potent threat to their plan and as such, are targeted first.
You have to have some sort of mental retardation to believe that all those jo votes would have went to trump.
You sound like a 50 year old Man on Facebook too much fentanyl Floyd. What happened to cops over stepping their bounds. What happened to weekendgunnit saying fuck the police. It’s people like you who fucked up. Created a atmosphere for the GOP to become this shitty.
I will be fine, thankfully. Guns are fucking important, do you know what else is important our 4th and 5th amendments. You know who fucking loves the people who violate that the gop. No one is good in goverment they are all snakes. Your a fool to believe your preserving America.
Fuck the GOP and fuck America. America isn’t a country anymore, it’s a browned economic zone run by the long noses. I don’t give a shit about the cops as long as they kill my enemies. This country is too far gone. It’s time for violent Balkanization
I’m all for that but we you can’t say the lesser of two evils will save America. The only that that will save America is us. But I don’t see anyone acting like they will do it
America can’t be saved. It’s a “country” now populated with 90 IQ consumers who buy new product, have no religion, race, or nation to fight or die for, and own nothing - renting and paying subscriptions fees until they die and are replaced by another cog from the mass of sub-humanity.
The elites will sit back and gorge upon the fruits of the underclass, being utterly immune from any reprisal. Gun owning right wingers are the most potent threat to their plan and as such, are targeted first.