No. You clearly just don't understand that you're still losing because you are to much of a coward to actually fight. Maybe if you just keep voting for the people who do absolutely nothing for you or gun laws they will be nice one day and not fuck you as hard as the other guy will.
You're afraid if you don't pick the guy who is marginally less bad than the other guy then the other guy would win. When in reality if you weren't a bitch you'd tell both of them to get fucked and actually vote for someone who wants to establish actual personal freedom.
That is of course unless you actually did do that by voting for trump which brings me back to my original question. What the fuck happened to this sub? It's either full of fake stepper fuds who love Trump or it's full of weak cowards who don't actually want to risk standing up for themselves so they vote for corporate shills that do absolutely nothing to protect peoples freedoms.
You dont understand the concept of picking battles, by fighting your battle that you were sure to lose, you lost on multiple levels. You taught no lesson whatsoever. This election was too important to throw away your vote to a libertarian. You show liberals that their ideals of gun confiscation is not wanted by not voting them into office. Once that radical ideal is off the table we can make better progress with libertarianism, but as long as it is their main priority, we have to put the best fighter in, not give them the seat to beat us. Youre simply too young and niave to understand the intricacies of it all.
You're simply to much of pussy to understand the meaning of actually standing up for your rights. The "intricacies" of voting for what you believe in doesn't take a PhD and be 60 years old to understand. Your argument is literally "oh you'll get it when you're older " which is beyond stupid. How old exactly does a person have to be? What if a person is older than that and still says you're wrong? Are they now wrong for a different reason aside from their age?
You're not even picking a battle. You're to scared to even participate in any sort of battle. You're sucking the dick of some fascist who doesn't give a fuck about your rights and hoping that they are kind enough to maybe just maybe they will let you actually have some rights. You're either scared to make a stand because you think you have to much to lose as if the only people who have ever made a stand for what they believed in were 20 year old single dudes with no house, kids, career or anything else of value to lose. You have some or all of those things and are comfortable and don't want to do anything to lose them. That's fine, lots of people are like that and that is exactly who the two main parties want you to feel like. "Don't vote for the other guy because it's to important and you might lose some of those things. Instead vote for me and I'll not do a single thing to give you any sort of freedoms or power so that way you can continue to be scared and vote for me in the future."
If you truly believe Trump has your best interest in mind and you agree with the things he does than by all means, that's your guy. But if you think that not fighting and rolling over to get fucked in the ass while saying "it's to much of a risk to stand up for myself" then you are just scared. The reason why things suck in this country because everyone thinks like you. It will always be "to important" to mot actually take a stand so we will always get the same assholes people like you elect. Keep electing the same assholes and complaining how you don't actually have any rights. I'm sure just a few more decades of this things will be better.
Yeah I can begin and end with that first sentence, im sure nothing of substance was said, you are clearly far too immature to understand politics and how this country actually works.
No, you just clearly don’t understand how to pick battles. You picked an impossible battle and got killed for it, you’re stupid.
No. You clearly just don't understand that you're still losing because you are to much of a coward to actually fight. Maybe if you just keep voting for the people who do absolutely nothing for you or gun laws they will be nice one day and not fuck you as hard as the other guy will.
You're afraid if you don't pick the guy who is marginally less bad than the other guy then the other guy would win. When in reality if you weren't a bitch you'd tell both of them to get fucked and actually vote for someone who wants to establish actual personal freedom.
That is of course unless you actually did do that by voting for trump which brings me back to my original question. What the fuck happened to this sub? It's either full of fake stepper fuds who love Trump or it's full of weak cowards who don't actually want to risk standing up for themselves so they vote for corporate shills that do absolutely nothing to protect peoples freedoms.
You dont understand the concept of picking battles, by fighting your battle that you were sure to lose, you lost on multiple levels. You taught no lesson whatsoever. This election was too important to throw away your vote to a libertarian. You show liberals that their ideals of gun confiscation is not wanted by not voting them into office. Once that radical ideal is off the table we can make better progress with libertarianism, but as long as it is their main priority, we have to put the best fighter in, not give them the seat to beat us. Youre simply too young and niave to understand the intricacies of it all.
You're simply to much of pussy to understand the meaning of actually standing up for your rights. The "intricacies" of voting for what you believe in doesn't take a PhD and be 60 years old to understand. Your argument is literally "oh you'll get it when you're older " which is beyond stupid. How old exactly does a person have to be? What if a person is older than that and still says you're wrong? Are they now wrong for a different reason aside from their age?
You're not even picking a battle. You're to scared to even participate in any sort of battle. You're sucking the dick of some fascist who doesn't give a fuck about your rights and hoping that they are kind enough to maybe just maybe they will let you actually have some rights. You're either scared to make a stand because you think you have to much to lose as if the only people who have ever made a stand for what they believed in were 20 year old single dudes with no house, kids, career or anything else of value to lose. You have some or all of those things and are comfortable and don't want to do anything to lose them. That's fine, lots of people are like that and that is exactly who the two main parties want you to feel like. "Don't vote for the other guy because it's to important and you might lose some of those things. Instead vote for me and I'll not do a single thing to give you any sort of freedoms or power so that way you can continue to be scared and vote for me in the future."
If you truly believe Trump has your best interest in mind and you agree with the things he does than by all means, that's your guy. But if you think that not fighting and rolling over to get fucked in the ass while saying "it's to much of a risk to stand up for myself" then you are just scared. The reason why things suck in this country because everyone thinks like you. It will always be "to important" to mot actually take a stand so we will always get the same assholes people like you elect. Keep electing the same assholes and complaining how you don't actually have any rights. I'm sure just a few more decades of this things will be better.
Yeah I can begin and end with that first sentence, im sure nothing of substance was said, you are clearly far too immature to understand politics and how this country actually works.