posted ago by Voluntaryism ago by Voluntaryism +28 / -0

The following will glow so hard you may get cancer just reading it. You have been warned.

We all know how actual communists look. Scrawny teenagers surviving on their mom's credit card. We also know that paid actors who are being subsidized by the afforementioned credit cards are more than able and willing to destroy copious amounts of property and life.

How does the State discourage workers from going into a certain market? They make it dangerous. They start a "war on drugs" so that midwit normies don't buy/sell drugs. They make it illegal and punishable by death to own certain kinds of firearms/accessories to firearms and as a result, many people stay out of that business.

Now, property and life destruction are very immoral acts and must be prevenbted so far as is possible, and these are also punishable under natural law by retaliatory force of any degree necessary to prevent them.

When next there is a march of "Communists" who are burning, looting, and murdering, disruption by force would do much to discourage future "communists" from accepting the money.

Enough disruptions would raise the risk to such an extent that commie protests would become negligible. The few that would still happen would have to be comprised of some actual communists, which will be hilarious when these very people are shown to be the rich brats they are, and the communists are destroyed by their own golems.

Similarly, when there is a knock on your door from paid actors ("Communists", "Antifa"), violent resistance will not only save you, but your neighbours as well.
