Some .22s, and older guns in general aren't entirely good to dry fire. The 22s can peen the firing pin over and have issues, and in general older guns have worse metal, so the resonance can cause the firing pin to have fractures that'll cause it to break. Not an absolute rule, and a bit usually won't hurt, but in general unless its something easily replaceable its not a good idea. And cz75 pattern pistols can have issues with the firing pin block retaining roll pin getting bent out of shape, but thats more of an issue with design then dry firing, a snap cap or a heavier roll pin fixes the issue
Some .22s, and older guns in general aren't entirely good to dry fire. The 22s can peen the firing pin over and have issues, and in general older guns have worse metal, so the resonance can cause the firing pin to have fractures that'll cause it to break. Not an absolute rule, and a bit usually won't hurt, but in general unless its something easily replaceable its not a good idea. And cz75 pattern pistols can have issues with the firing pin block retaining roll pin getting bent out of shape, but thats more of an issue with design then dry firing, a snap cap or a heavier roll pin fixes the issue
Also CZs can make you prone to homosexuality
Someone dropped their CZ75 at a USPSC match recently and it had an AD and shot and killed the range officer.