If so, you’re in luck! Our newest president Joe Biden (don’t worry we’re almost done counting votes - Joes going to get 90 million!) wants to undo an Act Of Congress that prevents gun manufactures from dealing with frivolous lawsuits. On What grounds do you need to sue a gun company? Absolutely nothing if this flies! So buy a .22 and find a nice spot with no major arteries! You’re going to be rich!
But make sure you file your lawsuit fast - those gun companies won’t have enough money to pay all the settlements you autists will win!
Oh, and make sure to take into consideration lawyer fees and the 30% - 50% of the settlement money your friendly neighborhood lawyer takes. What a swell guy, at least he doesn’t take 80%!
A few of us guys got drunk (edit: ye Gods we were so goddamn lit looking back on that night) a few years ago while camping and rode on the top and running boards of my buddys old 4Runner to swim at the creek. On the way back, I hooked my arm through the luggage rack and pissed while hanging off the side at unsafe speeds with my dick skin flapping in the breeze like a bulldog hanging his head out the window. Was this stupid? Yes. Was this unsafe? Absolutely. Was it illegal? You fucking know it. But if my buddy wrecked its not like he could sue Toyota for making their vehicle too difficult to safely drive while intoxicated, and I couldn't sue if I fell off due to lack of proper hand holds on the exterior of the vehicle.
It's almost like if you use a product in dangerous, negligent, and illegal ways, its your own goddamn fault when something goes wrong.