49 After the collapse of national governments... a group of veterans formed a vigilante group which eventually became the United Citizen Federation - Starship Troopers (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by PeaceThroughStrength 4 years ago by PeaceThroughStrength +50 / -1 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Robert Heinlein wrote amazing science fiction and then wrote about a buncha sex.
That's truly an inspiration to us all.
Starahip troopers is fucking amazing.
The book not the bastardized movie made by a lefty cuck who admitted to not even reading the damn thing.
2 based 4 life
I do not get why the rider van is in this meme
Would a Hertz-Penske make more sense?
Would you like to know more?
Lol that movie is awesome. Verhoven doing heinlein.
Hey it’s me!!
Killing innocents and children is not cash money.