scruffyusp 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've had the HK logo on me for 20+ years.

Should have been the PSA logo.

They're the gun company that embodies the 2a the best and I love them for it.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

I too often rest a gun on laundry

by lxd4610
scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish I could upvote you more for your sheer love of the gun and it's many virtues.

Wanna know a secret?

The HK45C is objectively better, the Block is a better fighting pistol for general use/issue but I LOVE THE 1911.

I can't even shoot one as well as my beloved HK, but the 1911 fills me with joy even though if I had to go and fight a mother fucker or 5 it would probably be the 17 I would take with me.

by lxd4610
scruffyusp 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do enjoy the smell of pizza sauce when those go off.

Lol, real talk? It's been years since I went to any range and saw a Beretta. It's such a late 80's early 90's cop gun.

I do like Italian stuff, Benelli makes the best shotguns.

by lxd4610
scruffyusp 4 points ago +4 / -0
  1. The whole top of the slide is an ejection port which is cool and aids in reliable ejectulation.
  2. The slide mounted safety decock is AIDS. Wrong position, wrong direction, just fucking wrong. It is a sin against God.
  3. You can get a really, really sugar tits trigger pull on them with some work and good parts.
  4. It's really big and heavy for what it does.
  5. It's a gun and guns are fucking awesome.
  6. It looks good in a leather shoulder rig.
  7. You'd better like the front sight as is because it ain't changing.
  8. The Taurus PT92 is a better gun.

That's what I know.

by lxd4610
scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

The USP9, P7 and VP9 would like to have a word with you and your blasphemy.

scruffyusp 9 points ago +9 / -0

"And lo, to put out fires and provide succor the Saint came unto them and did deliver his wrath upon the child molesting communists and doth blew the arm off a grandma beater.

He saw his work and thought it good."


scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

HK45C for the win all day everyday

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, it doesn't look like a federal informant harassed you into cutting it down.

I'd be on the lookout for lon horiuchi though. That guy just can't get enough kills.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

It looks like a shorty semi auto.

scruffyusp 5 points ago +5 / -0

Shotguns are so fucking awesome.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

That does bring to mind the whole vibe

scruffyusp 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. I just don't want to right now.

scruffyusp 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd gather they're expensive because people will pay it lol.

I mean, they are like little jewels when they're shiny. I like how Hornady ammo looks.

scruffyusp 6 points ago +6 / -0

Have you ever wanted to see people use improbable solutions to straightforward tactical problems?

Do you like full auto mini-14s fired at the ground? They're AC556s I think in the full auto variant.

Lol, the mini 14. Some people think it's as good as an AR. Lol.

It's worth a look just because. But then since I'm an old bastard I like stuff like Miami Vice and Magnum PI.

I legit fucking love Miami Vice.

scruffyusp 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's the people that look like they know what they're doing that are the real threat.

Your average dildo in sweatpants at china mart is mostly just a farm animal/cas-evac waiting to happen.

It's the motherfuckers that think they know what's best for others that are the real problem. Not the people that want to be left alone.

You're gonna need to do that van like the A team.

scruffyusp 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's why I always have a gun that's loaded and concealed even while I'm shooting other guns.

Until you forget and do drills with that one and burn $50 in JHPs.

scruffyusp 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd say modern guns can do at least 1k rounds.

No hypothesis for this besides intuition

scruffyusp 7 points ago +7 / -0

Like, what kinda guns? And can you describe them to me slowly in a voice like Barry White?

scruffyusp 6 points ago +6 / -0

Compensators on a pistol. Which ones will work with factory 115 gr?

Yeah, I'm building a Fauxland. Already have the frame and slide with optics cut and threaded barrel

scruffyusp 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your exclamation did not disappoint. That is indeed epic AF.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Metal gear solid is actually a testimony of how fucking metal it's possible to be if you love oper8ing and bandanas.

A long time ago, that game helped popularize a gun called the HK MK23. Which led to the USP which is, as we know, fucking amazing.

I want a FAMAS too. And I legit actually want a tavor. I'm too broke though and keep buying handguns.

scruffyusp 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've got a few kraut space magic guns in .40 myself.

Always wanted to shoot a VP40. That's a cool gun.

Love my P30s in .40. and the USPc .40 is better than a Glock 19. It's why I don't have a 19.

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