Resistance is in our blood. It is our heritage. Even the amongst the men and women that have come from far off lands to forge better existences for themselves and their children from nothing, such as myself and my family, are all children of resistance. Be it resistance to the King of England or resistance to Benito Mussolini, we all share that blood.
So what is the way always keeping your head down like a whipped dog. I mean organization is better than chaos but how long should people stay docile
See aruu’s comment above.
That makes them dumb but doesn't mean this isnt the way. Resistance is necessary
Resistance is in our blood. It is our heritage. Even the amongst the men and women that have come from far off lands to forge better existences for themselves and their children from nothing, such as myself and my family, are all children of resistance. Be it resistance to the King of England or resistance to Benito Mussolini, we all share that blood.