fuckin george floyd all the sudden kek i think he even tried to say "my wife is pregnant" WTF does that have to do with anything? did he think they were about to kill him?
Honestly, I'm glad that is an ATF agent. He was kind of a dick, but so was CPD. If that had been an actual human being getting tazed this video might have been hard to watch.
Yeah they didn’t do anything wrong, they got a report of an armed person impersonating a cop trying to break in, that’s a serious threat. Then he doesn’t listen when guns are pulled on him. I’ve seen people killed for less. They did everything right, wish they didn’t though because one less ATF gayboi would be a blessing
I watch this every night before bed.
haha, turns into a crybaby when he's on the other end
edit 8:15 "I can't fucking breathe" ???
fuckin george floyd all the sudden kek i think he even tried to say "my wife is pregnant" WTF does that have to do with anything? did he think they were about to kill him?
Proof they recruit libtards if CNN convinces them conservatives are terrible they will do the job of Gestapo without protest.
Not the first time this particular stepper made the news btw: https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/delhi-township/james-burk-atf-agent-charged-with-stealing-wine-from-kroger
It’s not too late for that.
Honestly, I'm glad that is an ATF agent. He was kind of a dick, but so was CPD. If that had been an actual human being getting tazed this video might have been hard to watch.
Actually, having watched a dozen or so times now, I take that back. These cops were honestly pretty chill. This dude decided to resist. What an idiot.
Yeah they didn’t do anything wrong, they got a report of an armed person impersonating a cop trying to break in, that’s a serious threat. Then he doesn’t listen when guns are pulled on him. I’ve seen people killed for less. They did everything right, wish they didn’t though because one less ATF gayboi would be a blessing