Seven days' wait for a can is seven days too long. They should be available off the shelf and should be no more difficult to obtain than a box of ear plugs.
We're in for a rough couple of years. Too bad Mitch McConnell threw away GA when he refused to back funding for every American to trade in their new Glock 19 for a Daniel Defense AR15. There's no way the cowards in the SCOTUS will bail us out on this, either. We need to protect the rights we have left ourselves.
You should be able to order machine guns and suppressors and have them delivered fast like uber eats. You should be able buy ammo, SBRs, and grenade launchers from roaming trucks like an ice cream truck playing those tunes but with gunshots as the notes.
Seven days' wait for a can is seven days too long. They should be available off the shelf and should be no more difficult to obtain than a box of ear plugs.
We're in for a rough couple of years. Too bad Mitch McConnell threw away GA when he refused to back funding for every American to trade in their new Glock 19 for a Daniel Defense AR15. There's no way the cowards in the SCOTUS will bail us out on this, either. We need to protect the rights we have left ourselves.
You should be able to order machine guns and suppressors and have them delivered fast like uber eats. You should be able buy ammo, SBRs, and grenade launchers from roaming trucks like an ice cream truck playing those tunes but with gunshots as the notes.
You should be able to buy belt fed full autos from vending machine. In every elementary school.
You should be able to order a Howitzer and have it delivered in 30 minutes or less like its a Domino's pizza!
My heart says yes, but my credit score says no no no.
Same, but for armor piercing ammo.
And tactical nuclear weapons