Or do the opposite. If the whole country is filled with belligerent pissed off armed motherfuckers it becomes a little harder to single them out instead of cowering in fear of the ever lurking mythical "glowie".
I'm not worried about someone knocking on my door, i'm gonna live my way and if someone wants to see if they can step on my toes they might get a surprise on my way out.
Seriously though? They can find you on all this shit. Just don't say illegal shit where they will have reason to come find you.
In this beautiful country, it's legal to say the president and vice president are sopping herpetic cunts that stole the election. At least it's legal for the moment.
Or do the opposite. If the whole country is filled with belligerent pissed off armed motherfuckers it becomes a little harder to single them out instead of cowering in fear of the ever lurking mythical "glowie".
I'm not worried about someone knocking on my door, i'm gonna live my way and if someone wants to see if they can step on my toes they might get a surprise on my way out.
Nobody here is important enough for a raid.
If everyone here were to actually get together...
Never before would so much rat shot be in one place...
69th fighting autists. The most feared guerrila unit in the lua. And the best fed.
Lua suggests long pig, do you know any recipes for pit baked faggot?
You know, i'm surprised it took this long for someone to ask for human flesh recipes.
Thighs/buttocks are the best cut, fatty like pork. Think low and slow to get all that flavor.
And degenerative neurological disorders reminiscent of what we call mad cow disease.
That's why i endorse commie recycling. Agriculture is literally life so fertilizer makes sense.
(All above for humorous remarks only, court testimony null and void bby)
You stopped doing that? No wonder that game of bathroom stall chess never got finished.
4 a gud tiem call
As something with more .win karma than anyone else on newgunnit I can assure you it's not a honeypot anymore than it ever was
Yo I believe him. I dunno why, but I believe him.
Thanks buddy!
Note to self: U/fridge_pirate gets double rations in gulag
Who cares if it is or not. It's only here because it's being allowed to be here. Assume it could be and carry on.
The lack of toes is fucking disgusting and you should all be ashamed.
Nah, domain name change.
Seriously though? They can find you on all this shit. Just don't say illegal shit where they will have reason to come find you.
In this beautiful country, it's legal to say the president and vice president are sopping herpetic cunts that stole the election. At least it's legal for the moment.