bonus points because they are so super liberal and they hate we use it. My finest achievement was blasting Bulls On Parade from the turret of a Hummvie in Fallujah
3 What's Left of the Flag - Flogging Molly
I don't know, something about drunk leprechauns raising what's left of the flag for me just kind of does it
4 Alive with the Glory of Love - Say Anything
It's about fucking AND killing Nazis. Makes me want to run through a brick wall...even if the band kind of sucks
5 Achilles's Last Stand -Led Zep
It just keeps building and building and never crescendos. Amped the fuck up
Hold an Ak-Dugan Ashley,
My Little Armalite- The Irish Brigade,
AK-47 - Little Big (crazy song, butt features gats),
Shoot to thrill -ACDC,
Roland the headless Thompson gunner
A brilliant outtro Dugan recorded for his video about fighting aliens. So catchy that there was an outcry for him to record and release a full version. This request went unsatisfied so some /k/ warrior took it upon himself to edit an extended version.
Listen to it on repeat for a few hours and you may realize that it might not have been some goofy throwaway snippet of music but an early prophetic vision channeled through the booglevisionary vessel that is Dugan.
1 Keep your Rifle by your Side - Dan Romer
This one is a must, respect your anthem you homos
2 No Shelter -Rage Against the Machine
bonus points because they are so super liberal and they hate we use it. My finest achievement was blasting Bulls On Parade from the turret of a Hummvie in Fallujah
3 What's Left of the Flag - Flogging Molly
I don't know, something about drunk leprechauns raising what's left of the flag for me just kind of does it
4 Alive with the Glory of Love - Say Anything
It's about fucking AND killing Nazis. Makes me want to run through a brick wall...even if the band kind of sucks
5 Achilles's Last Stand -Led Zep
It just keeps building and building and never crescendos. Amped the fuck up
Fuck how did I forget our anthem that EA so kindly made for us?!
Nevermind, I know, it's because I haven't had my morning coffee and vodka.
You think I care about how soft you are?
ObergruppenfurhergrammarNazi here pointing out that your sentence could be reasonably interpreted in a few rather different ways.
Is the song about
a. Fucking Nazis and then killing them?
b. Fucking a non-Nazi and then proceeding to kill Nazis?
c. Fucking Nazis while simultanously killing them?
d. Or generally about two different and separated recreational activities? As in singing about fucking, but also singing about Nazis in the same song?
The answer is D but you've opened my eyes to a whole new world of possiblities
Vengaboys We Like to Party
Now we’re cookin!
*Skipping songs already mentioned:
5 songs at the top of your igloo playlist
obligatory gun pic cause I know you fagets have only honked off 10 times today
Killing in the Name of - only that one bass section, on repeat for 10 hours.
de le roca is a commie faggot, great song though.
Frank Turner, good call
I'm a street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm dun dun dun da da dayum de da dum
Now we're getting somewhere.
Though I always thought it was "a hide full of napalm." Is it really heart?
Your guess is as good as mine. I'm just spitballin. Good fuckin tune though.
Hell yeah. And deserves to be in everybody's igloo play list.
Songs for a killbox vol 1:
Hold an Ak-Dugan Ashley, My Little Armalite- The Irish Brigade, AK-47 - Little Big (crazy song, butt features gats), Shoot to thrill -ACDC, Roland the headless Thompson gunner
Good one I'd forgotten about. The extended cut somebody edited of Dugan's "I Dream of Freedom" is fucking fantastic too.
not sure what I'm listening to
A brilliant outtro Dugan recorded for his video about fighting aliens. So catchy that there was an outcry for him to record and release a full version. This request went unsatisfied so some /k/ warrior took it upon himself to edit an extended version.
Listen to it on repeat for a few hours and you may realize that it might not have been some goofy throwaway snippet of music but an early prophetic vision channeled through the booglevisionary vessel that is Dugan.
Power Trip - Hornets Nest Rammstein - Du Hast ELO - Mister Blue Sky Slayer - Angel Of Death Bastille - Pompeii
Rome- one fire.
Neophyte - Always Hardcore
Lazerhawk - Lazerhawks Theme
Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight
Spencer Davis Group - Gimme Some Lovin
Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown
1)Rhodesians never die, 2)I wish I was a Blue Job, A)The last stand, IV)Battle of New Orleans, ♧)Come out ye' black and tans
Legion of Doom - Carnivore
Blow me Away - Breaking Benjamin
Beer for my Horses - Toby Keith
Dead Man's Party - Oingo Boingo
We're All Going to Jail (Except Pete, He's Gonna Die) - BA Johnston
Not honorable mentions: Bawitdaba - Kid Rock, Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit