bonus points because they are so super liberal and they hate we use it. My finest achievement was blasting Bulls On Parade from the turret of a Hummvie in Fallujah
3 What's Left of the Flag - Flogging Molly
I don't know, something about drunk leprechauns raising what's left of the flag for me just kind of does it
4 Alive with the Glory of Love - Say Anything
It's about fucking AND killing Nazis. Makes me want to run through a brick wall...even if the band kind of sucks
5 Achilles's Last Stand -Led Zep
It just keeps building and building and never crescendos. Amped the fuck up
1 Keep your Rifle by your Side - Dan Romer
This one is a must, respect your anthem you homos
2 No Shelter -Rage Against the Machine
bonus points because they are so super liberal and they hate we use it. My finest achievement was blasting Bulls On Parade from the turret of a Hummvie in Fallujah
3 What's Left of the Flag - Flogging Molly
I don't know, something about drunk leprechauns raising what's left of the flag for me just kind of does it
4 Alive with the Glory of Love - Say Anything
It's about fucking AND killing Nazis. Makes me want to run through a brick wall...even if the band kind of sucks
5 Achilles's Last Stand -Led Zep
It just keeps building and building and never crescendos. Amped the fuck up
Fuck how did I forget our anthem that EA so kindly made for us?!
Nevermind, I know, it's because I haven't had my morning coffee and vodka.
You think I care about how soft you are?
ObergruppenfurhergrammarNazi here pointing out that your sentence could be reasonably interpreted in a few rather different ways.
Is the song about
a. Fucking Nazis and then killing them?
b. Fucking a non-Nazi and then proceeding to kill Nazis?
c. Fucking Nazis while simultanously killing them?
d. Or generally about two different and separated recreational activities? As in singing about fucking, but also singing about Nazis in the same song?
The answer is D but you've opened my eyes to a whole new world of possiblities