46 Thinking of having a boating accident soon. (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 3 years ago by GarudaDarkblack 3 years ago by GarudaDarkblack +47 / -1 23 comments download share 23 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Already came so don’t need to motorboat.
Also that’s how a woman should be built godDAMN
Also look at that fucking trigger discipline goddamnit I can only get so erect
Two things that always bring a smile to my face. Natural tiddies and a combat shotgun.
When it is the GREATEST COMBAT SHOTGUN EVER MADE then my joy is absolute.
That don’t look like a SPAS to me, Unc, but I know you get a stiffy for Spaghetti M4s
It looks to be a komando p4, pretty much an m4 clone with a button bolt release from beretta shotguns.
It looks like a pair of giant fuckin tiddies to me
I wouldn't know what those are since my meth is of the rooftop korean variety.
Carry on sir.
Again, shamelessly stolen from patriots.win but felt this place could use some life injected into it. What better way to get the blood pumping than with guns and tiddies?
I'd vote for any candidate who runs on a platform of cloning her 148 million times
But, she won't sink.
But where's the SAUCE
Sorry, no sauce :(
Think I'm gonna kms now.
If I find sauce I'll share it here
We’re waiting
Couldn't find shit. Literally spent 4 hours at work trying to.
Time well spent though.
blub blub blub blub blub
Looks like I am up the creek.......[but I don't need no stinkin paddle............will just drift with her]
Skynet send banbots.
And when we needed him most, Shitbot was gone
wtf this link takes me to goatse