30 Ah yes, the mighty .45, known across the world for its bear-stopping powa (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 3 years ago by GNN_RNR 3 years ago by GNN_RNR +30 / -0 25 comments download share 25 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Doesn't this faggot know about 10mm?
And if I'm going into bear country with only a handgun, I'd might lean towards a big revolver cartridge.
If I can go into bear country with what I want, shotgun and lots of slugs, or a semi auto rifle in .308 or better.
You’re going into bear country with toesies out and a purple thong.
And those San Franciscans will tear you apart.
TFB did a series about this and found that 10mm is the best pistol round for bears.
Oh there was the typical "the glock 20 I've never held doesn't fit my hands"
But that double stack 2011 is a little big, but I can make it work.
Single stack, so it was a waste of money
We knew it was a waste of money
10mm is best mm.
Ah, yes. 1cm
I'm calling it 1cm now
105 is a good mm.
155 is a better mm
Paul Harrell convinced me it'd be fine for lil bitch ass black bears and cougars.
And an airplane has been shot down with a 1911, I still want an SM2 if I'm fighting a Mig though
Ew, a polymer 1911?
Stacatto R, I believe it's just a rubberized grip
I live in and area with only black bears. 45 is not a hotrible choice if you are only gonna see black bears and cougars
Because they won't attack you anyway?
No I am saying 45 is a cartridge capable of stopping a charging black bear.
I don't think many people see the cougar in time to do anything.
This guy is an idiot. 9mm is more than enough to reliably kill a black bear or a wolf.
Grizzlies have been killed with 9mm in alaska