That poor sad AK. Being held by such a monster. The poor thing must've been terrified. I hope it escaped and found a good home that feeds it a well balanced diet of brass and steel every week.
Be the change you want to see. For a weekly contribution of just [checks price] 400 dollars a week, you can help make sure that this AK finds a loving home that feeds it well, and will make sure that no dirty politicians or diabeetus boys can ever sully it. Please, look into your walle-, er heart, and donate today. For the AKs.
If supporting reformed former commie guns at Boris's comblockery is not your style, please consider supporting one of our related organizations listed below:
If you Google hard enough you could probably find her quote from that session:
"Guns exactly like this one were used by gangsters during Prohibition. They were used to mass murder thousands of Treasury officers and school children and..."
She wants to kill people. It's obvious to the onlooker. Subconscious to her. And the zombies are blinded by fear. Her finger is already on the trigger. She wants people to die.
That poor sad AK. Being held by such a monster. The poor thing must've been terrified. I hope it escaped and found a good home that feeds it a well balanced diet of brass and steel every week.
Be the change you want to see. For a weekly contribution of just [checks price] 400 dollars a week, you can help make sure that this AK finds a loving home that feeds it well, and will make sure that no dirty politicians or diabeetus boys can ever sully it. Please, look into your walle-, er heart, and donate today. For the AKs.
Man fuck them AKs I only house UMP, MP5/10, MP7, G36...
If supporting reformed former commie guns at Boris's comblockery is not your style, please consider supporting one of our related organizations listed below:
Browning house of retired war gats; Mauser estate; The Roosevelt (first one not second) place for shoulderdestroyers; larpville place for black rifles
Kind of a shame that grabber logic of guns being autonomous mass killing machines wasn't true for this one moment in history.
Why won’t she just die? She’s like 90 years old and still in power. For real we need term limits boomers refuse to give up their stranglehold on power
Because literal demons aren't mortal
Tell you what, makes drum mags look bad.
Hold my beer while i eat asparagus and piss on the brady campaign founders grave would you?
Why stop at pissing? Eat some eggs and protein powder and drop off a deposit.
Did she wear that pinstripe mobster suit to look like a gangster with a Tommy gun?
If you Google hard enough you could probably find her quote from that session:
"Guns exactly like this one were used by gangsters during Prohibition. They were used to mass murder thousands of Treasury officers and school children and..."
Don't need a chinese search engine to know how corrupt Finestein is. When she says "exactly like" she probably means it fires bullets.
Looks to me like it's safe enough to be on the senate floor.
I smell a farce bois
She wants to kill people. It's obvious to the onlooker. Subconscious to her. And the zombies are blinded by fear. Her finger is already on the trigger. She wants people to die.