40 Just for Liberatevia300AAC (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 3 years ago by CmdRiker 3 years ago by CmdRiker +40 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Ok see, now I understand this post. Earlier I could not comprehend it’s aimless garbled message diarrhea but now it’s all crystal clear.
6/9, needs more tendies and crayons.
Australian here, can agree, fuck this open air prison.
The only good thing to come out of that shithole of wasteland was Men At Work.
and Wifi..
Ahh, so it is them I should blame for turning everyone into roaming retards nowadays.
I'll give them points for the Owen gun, that thing is dank.
We've come full circle. With the advent of WuFlu, Australia is a penal colony again.