by lxd4610
Reikovsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you sweetheart.

My FA Binary Trigger will senerade you on steel targets.

Reikovsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is not a bad idea! We can put it right next to Stacy's number.

..Damn that was a wild ride, she was worth the funny-itch.

Reikovsky 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are so many people that don't even know about Waco somehow. People are retarded, the bad kind.

Reikovsky 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ahh. Just like the days of Yugoslavia. Those damn sneaky Serbs are such wild drivers with those tanks.

Reikovsky 3 points ago +3 / -0

To forever tread, keep the sheep asleep and docile, and to fortify the seat of tyranny to olympian heights.

Reikovsky 1 point ago +1 / -0

Coors Light makes for an okay bore solution, helps rehydrate the barrel when it gets too hot with all the god damn water content in the formula. Not good for anything else.

Reikovsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all do. Could be worse, you could be drinking light beer or shitty seltzer.

Reikovsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are probably the first person I have seen that drinks Founders.

Reikovsky 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thank heavens they are not allowed to make legislation and just got manhandled on the bump-stock ruling.

In other news I am Officially banning the use of TikTok and order all its users to go and touch grass.

Reikovsky 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had shitty Chinesium ones for a while (they actually worked great), but I got bored of tack-driving with a .22 so I wanted to go back to Iron Sights (I plan on doing Appleseed at some point too). So I got some CZ Scorpion EVO's for the big boy and High Tower Armory Glock Sight bases for the little guy.

The binary is super fun. Feels good, wallet stays fat, RO's still get pissed. Great times all around.

Reikovsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks Borther. You right, I just had them serviced and I couldn't bare the shame.

Reikovsky 5 points ago +5 / -0

Uncle forgive me.

Call me a special type of retard, but I actually like braces on my .22 pistols. Normally I am a stock man and prefer a good shoulder. But I use these for speed shooting and like to have a good cheekweld. I can shoulder these comfortably too but there is no need to shoulder a 22 Pistol.

Other than that: Fuck A F T

by lxd4610
Reikovsky 1 point ago +1 / -0

God bless.

Reikovsky 3 points ago +3 / -0

I trust it as much as I trust the Taurus model 24/7

by lxd4610
Reikovsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is advanced autism. The bad kind.

by lxd4610
Reikovsky 1 point ago +1 / -0

God bless your accepting, lovingly uncle demeanor.

I 100% believe you, but I would only get one to fulfill my inner childhood Solid Snake dream. To be honest it is the reason I bought the 92FS was to build a 'Samurai Edge' from Resident Evil that I loved as a kid because I am a big fag.

I love my 90's Springfield Armory .45 1911. I trust it with my life but I also prefer the higher capacity offered by a .9mm. However! I vehemently believe that 1911's chambered in .9mm are cringe. If you are not going to have one in the .45AARP Lord's Caliber, it had better be the superior funny .38 Super.

Reikovsky 4 points ago +4 / -0

You told someone they were acting irrational didn't you?


by lxd4610
Reikovsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

Call me old fashioned/retarded. But I love the classics. It just works, none of those Lamedong-Tacticool add-ons, no rail bullshit that everyone cheeses over (if I wanted mods on a handgun I'd get a USP45 and get a long bandana like a real man).

Just standard sights, stock springs, all metal parts and a few 90's Ban Era LEO stamped high-capacity magazines to mock those living in slave states. Just how Mama intended.

I love the stock trigger, I get why people think it is funky at first shot, but once you 'get gud' and get used to the bringing it up to the wall before you actually pull the trigger it is just so damn smooth. I also like the massive grip on the 92FS model for my bear paw, I can comfortably flip the slide mounted decocker left or right handed too, but I get why many don't care for it.

by lxd4610
Reikovsky 4 points ago +4 / -0

But Uncle! What of about superior open-top slide ejector system for increased reliability? What about wondrous ambidextrous decocker? Perfect fit for my runty bear paw, complete with sleek adonized factory finish.

Also it runs great when using Momma's (Please don't tell her) left over marinara sauce on the rails.

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