Last month of 2021 ... This was such a fun year with all the ammo available, zero inflation, the end of Covid19 (finally!), and the best president in history constantly fighting to uphold our individual liberty and limit federal overreach.
Actually, now that I think about it maybe 2021 wasn't that great of a year after all. I did get a few new guns this year so I got that going for me, which is nice.
I doubled my gun and ammo collection this year at peak prices and then lost my job because I won’t get the clotshot. I might be a fucktard…
But a heavily armed fucktard, am I right fellas?
Here’s to even dumber shit next year! 🍻
Imagine thinking you're healthy enough to fight off covid but not to fight off a stupid fake shot
The shot is fake!? Are you some kind of crazed conspiracy theorist? Do I need to report you to to the authorities? Officers! Officers! Over here! Arrest this heretic!
Moldy labia feds