Safety Sally's are tarded sois that won't even dry fire at the light switches in their own homes.
So freaked out about 100% adherence to the 25 gun safety rules found in their Ruger manual that they have NDs because their brains are so full of nonsense.
You only need 4 rules.
Finger on the trigger because that's what it was made for dummy. Sling that shit or put it in a holster when you don't want to use it.
It's gotta point somewhere because black holes do not materialize in front of the muzzle.
Bullets probably go through shit but it's no big deal because the odds of something you don't want to hit being behind a wall are low because steppers' like being standing on the side of your door frame.
I must apologize for being so narrow-minded. I cannot believe how ignorant I was to these boundless possibilities.
I believe I am going to practice on my girlfriends cat. Firing at a moving target is not something I do often and I'm sure it will build valuable skills.
what about tv's? i once knew a guy who was dry firing a .38 at tv. finished, loaded it, laid on table, went to bathroom, came back, resumed dry firing at tv.
Safety Sally's are tarded sois that won't even dry fire at the light switches in their own homes.
So freaked out about 100% adherence to the 25 gun safety rules found in their Ruger manual that they have NDs because their brains are so full of nonsense.
You only need 4 rules.
Finger on the trigger because that's what it was made for dummy. Sling that shit or put it in a holster when you don't want to use it.
It's gotta point somewhere because black holes do not materialize in front of the muzzle.
Bullets probably go through shit but it's no big deal because the odds of something you don't want to hit being behind a wall are low because steppers' like being standing on the side of your door frame.
Fuck yeah, keep your shit loaded all the time.
Bless your retardation.
Light switches? Don't you have pets, family members or Alarm clocks?
I must apologize for being so narrow-minded. I cannot believe how ignorant I was to these boundless possibilities.
I believe I am going to practice on my girlfriends cat. Firing at a moving target is not something I do often and I'm sure it will build valuable skills.
The target being a pissed off furball with sharp claws gives you a good reason to become a better shot.
ok Alec Baldwin.
Put that coffee down, coffee is for shooters.
Light switch targets ftw.
what about tv's? i once knew a guy who was dry firing a .38 at tv. finished, loaded it, laid on table, went to bathroom, came back, resumed dry firing at tv.
So he got rid of the demon box that rots your brain?
Sounds like he had a Bob Ross tier "happy mistake"
Every direction is safe if you have no value for human life